
Miller Club is provided limited funding by EngSoc and ASUS and we thank them very much for it. However in order to be able to provide the services we do we rely on the money we make from our bake sales, clothing drives, and all the fun events we offer to keep us going.

Donating to Miller Club will help us plan more and better events for years to come!

Where does my money go?
Wherever you want! You're more than welcome to suggest what aspect of Miller Club you'd like to contribute to if you wish! Here's how we would plan to use any of the gracious donations we receive:
  • Help fund guest speakers or alumni who return to the department!
  • Towards reducing costs of the events we offer to the students, staff and faculty!
  • Towards different initiatives within the department!
  • Towards helping Miller Club maintain a stable funding base and expand our event calendar!
Where your money doesn't go
  • Miller Club members - all the members are volunteers, no individual will get your money.
Frequently Asked Questions/Troubleshooting

Q: What methods of payment are available?
A: You can use your Paypal account or any major credit card (Mastercard, Visa, etc)

Q: Is there a minimum donation or fixed donation level?
A: No and No. You are allowed to donate whatever amount you want.

Q: Is my donation anonymous?
A: Due to the logistics Miller Club will be able to see who made each donation. However we make every attempt to respect your privacy by limiting access to the information to as few people as possible. This means there will ever be only 2 people who see your information, the president and treasurer. We will also NEVER share, post or disclose the information with anyone before contacting you directly via the provided contact information.

Q: Can i make comments on my donation such as how I'd like it allocated?
A: Yes, we have provided a comment box on the final stage of checkout for the donation. Please feel free to add any comments you wish and we will act appropriately related to them.

Q: What do i do if I'm having trouble with Paypal?
A: We recommend that you contact Paypal directly through their help section or contact section. We can tell you if the transaction completed or not but it's always best to contact the experts.

Q: Can I get a tax receipt?
A: Unfortunately not. Well we'd love to be able to we are not a registered charity and therefore cannot issue tax receipts. However we can offer a normal receipt as well as free beer if you're ever back in Kingston, that's basically the same thing anyway.